Yes World, Jesus is Alive - Part 1

The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.
— Psalms 145:18 (ESV)

A big difference between Christianity and other faiths of the world, is that our God supernaturally makes His existence evident. Throughout the Bible, God continuously shows up for His followers when they are challenged by other non-believers. In today's world, prayers are heard and answered for the true followers of Jesus all over the planet. Our answered prayers are a pivotal way to show that Jesus Christ is the only living God, and through Him anyone can access the Creator of all things. Since I truly started following Christ, I've received unexplainable supernatural answers to my prayers. As of this point in my life, I've received 5 clear answers to prayers and this post details the most recent one. My description is 100% truth, and further proof that Jesus Christ is alive, and hears the prayers of those who follow Him with a true heart.

In mid to late October 2017, thoughts of my past ramped up in my mind. These thoughts were typically sinful in nature, and would also creep into my dreams. I tried my best to rebuke these dreams/thoughts, trying not to entertain them, since I did not want to sin. They seemed to come out of nowhere, taking me by surprise. I knew the enemy was initiating another spiritual attack, feeding off of what used to be one of my weaknesses. By November 1st, I was so fed up that I prayed to Jesus, on my knees, pleading for Him to help me. As soon as I finished praying, I received a notification on my phone. I noticed the time was 3:33PM (usually an important time of God because of the 3s), so I knew to check to see if the Lord was trying to speak to me. The notification was from the Holy Bible app, which - at that point - I had not used in some time. Something told me I needed to open the app to view the notification. I opened the app and immediately noticed the Verse of the Day, which read, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every THOUGHT to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5! Though this wasn't the first time it'd happened, God answered me with His Word, telling me to use Christ's Holy Spirit to bring my thoughts into obedience. So that became my prayer, and as of the time I'm writing this - months later - my thoughts and dreams have been in check. Praise God for Jesus is REAL.

I'm a man of numbers, so find the statistics surrounding this event especially compelling. There are 31,173 total verses in the Bible. Roughly 140 of those verses relate to controlling thoughts. That means the probability of randomly selecting a Bible verse related to controlling thoughts is 140/31173 = 0.00449107, basically a 0% chance.

So to sum up: I had a problem. I prayed to Jesus about my problem. As SOON as I finished praying, I received a notification directly related to the problem I had just prayed about. There's a 0.004% (basically 0%) chance that a Bible App notification would coincidentally relate to a verse directly answering my prayer. Think about that.

The best part is, this isn't the only time something like this has happened between me and God. I have four more stories that show God answers the prayers of those who follow Him. I'm also confident that Jesus will continue to answer more prayers for me in a statistically impossible way, to prove His existence. Jesus surely is alive.





Submitting to the Word of God