If ____ is a Sin, Why Did God Make Me This Way?
Throughout my life in the United States, I have heard the phrase, "I was born this way. If I shouldn't be ____, why did God create me like that?" Here, the ____ represents anything a person feels justified doing that the Bible says is a sin in the eyes of the Lord. So let's unpack the statement that God made you ____.
If you are a Christian, can you confirm in His Word that He made you ____? The statement about how God made someone assumes that God definitely created people with their inclination toward ____. Let's see what God's Word - the handbook on how to live a Christian life - has to say about how He made humankind.
The Most High Creator made us in His image when He created Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-27). Adam and Eve were initially immortal, without death, without sin, without fault, as God originally intended for all humankind. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and sinned against God, we - as humans living on earth - were cursed, from that fateful moment onward (Genesis 3:14-19). God then declared that the physical and spiritual curses of death and sin would be passed down through Adam, from generation to generation (Romans 5:12).
The Bible also indicates that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev 17:11). Christians believe that all humankind can be traced back through generations to Adam and Eve. This explains how our own sinful natures are continued on, spiritually and physically, through our children.
To recap, God made Adam and Eve in His image. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, all of us are born with sinful natures of the flesh and are incomplete - which is NOT how God originally made us (Genesis 8:21, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:1-3, Ecclesiastes 9:3). Now, all humankind - because of Adam and Eve - have to overcome our sinful flesh through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
So your connection to ____ is valid, natural, and could very well have been in place from early on in your life. God's Word states that our flesh is sinful by nature. This is remains true for everyone, whether ____ or not. If the Bible says an aspect of your life is a sin (you fill in the blank with your specific case), you will need the help of God and the Holy Spirit to overcome it. We all experience something in our lives that only God can help us through. No matter how ____ makes you feel, if God says chill on it, and you say you are a Christian, then you are called to follow Him and His commands (John 14:21). We, as Christians, are called to sacrifice our flesh - just as Christ did - and focus on fulfilling God's purpose for us.
If all this makes you uncomfortable, or upsets you, consider this: our life on earth is very short, and we're not promised tomorrow. If you were to pass from this earth and meet God face to face today, are you certain that He would not find un-repented fault in your life? Please do not prioritize what the world, friends, teachers, family, your mind, or your heart says. Prioritize what God says FIRST. Ask Him for yourself, with a truthful, open, earnest heart about what is right, and He will answer you.
God does not hold us accountable for any sins for which we have repented, and if you truly open your heart and submit to His will, He will show you grace. This is something you can't fake since God knows our hearts, so you will need to be 100 with Him. The goal is to be in Heaven for all Eternity, not in Hell, so please do whatever it takes in your life to get there, even if you don't agree with how it affects the way you live.